Last week, in an effort to increase awareness around Critical Mass’ SxSW submissions, we hosted five days of Twitter chats. Each Critical Mass entry had its own chat. It was a great experience interacting with some top minds, sharing ideas and taking a critical look at the digital and social landscape from different perspectives – all on Twitter.
Just to recap, my SxSW entry is about making events more social and more engaging for the participants, in real-time and long after the event is over. (Don’t forget to vote!)
From the Move Beyond the Check-In: Making Events Truly Social Twitter chat, there were some interesting themes that came up.
- Privacy is still a major concern with location-based services. Especially when it comes to integrating LBS into existing social networks.
- Check-in and consumer loyalty are not always synonymous.
- Incentives are still top-of-mind with consumers and marketers as a method to engage consumers.
- Layered incentives or achievements can motivate consumer retention.
- Gamification is another method still being considered or employed for consumer retention.
- Marketers sometimes find it difficult to move beyond the incentive and game when engaging audiences at events.
- Engagement at events with the event itself or crowd, could be a viable next step after incentives; curating real-time relationships.
So, to grow this conversation even further, how can we as marketers, move beyond the incentive and using technology, engage the consumer at events with real-time value and long term experiences?
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Twitter chat with me and Critical Mass! You all were great, highly engaged and provided incredible insights into event-based marketing! Below (after the fold) is the Twitter chat, formatted for your reference.
Please don’t forget to vote (Friday, September 2nd) is the last day to vote!
#SocialEvents Twitter Chat:
@ebreakdown Time to kick off the #socialevents Twitter chat! Nice & easy: What is your preferred check-in service? Why?
@realgoodtalker @ebreakdown #socialevents @FourSquare – i like to keep it separate from other social networks & nerd out on game elements + points
@ebreakdown @realgoodtalker So you’re going more for gamification as a form of value to you? #Socialevents
@lindsayrenwick 4SQ B/C my friends use it and they make it relevant to Canadians RT @ebreakdown: #socialevents chat! What’s UR fave check-in service? Why?
@ebreakdown Do you check into places to be incentivized or to simply share with your friends? #socialevents
@criticalmass What do you want from a brand after you check in? #socialevents
@stevemannino @ebreakdown @criticalmass I was a foursquare user, but found FB Place to be more convenient and valuable with a larger network #socialevents
@joshanisfeld @ebreakdown, Foursquare. I like the gamification aspect & keeping a separate circle of people knowing my location. #socialevents
@realgoodtalker @ebreakdown yes – though I like after-the-fact spying on my friends check-ins, just don’t want it in real time. Weird? #socialevents
@ebreakdown @stevemannino There it is again, the valuable point. What makes the check-in valuable to you? #socialevents
@joshanisfeld @ebreakdown Mainly to share with my friends. Incentives are a bonus. #socialevents
@rrickey @ebreakdown @FourSquare tho i I’m a pretty light user. Intruiged as FB integrates check-in more smoothly than places worked. #socialevents
@ebreakdown Do you want brands to engage you? RT @joshanisfeld: @ebreakdown Mainly to share with my friends. Incentives are a bonus. #socialevents
@realgoodtalker @ebreakdown @criticalmass incentives. I can tweet/Fbook/text if I want to only be sharing. Surprised to see sharing so popular #socialevent
@ebreakdown @realgoodtalker What about brands? Are you fearful of them knowing your location? What if they added an value-element? #socialevents
@joshanisfeld @ebreakdown Don’t want engagement via my check-in’s. I check in almost everywhere, doesn’t mean I’m a loyal consumer to them. #socialevents.
@lindsayrenwick @ebreakdown Fave reason 2 use check-in is when travelling. Push location 2 Twitter. Bragging rights w/ no upload times. #socialevents
@ebreakdown @rrickey Interesting. Even though you’re a light user, would you like to interact with brands through check-ins? #socialevents
@ebreakdown @lindsayrenwick So, is it a status point for you? Do you only check into places you like? Or brands you prefer? #socialevents
@stevemannino @criticalmass I think adding locations to a FB status would be valuable = more relevant status’ #socialevents
@criticalmass @joshanisfeld So, you’re brand agnostic when checking in to venues? What about engagement? What if a brand engaged you? #socialevents
@lindsayrenwick @ebreakdown I’m a points hound – love getting the mileage bump! I’ll chk in to a brand if it’s one I really love or advocate #socialevents
@criticalmass Where do you want to check in and interact with a brand? On-site? TV? Internet? #socialevents
@joshanisfeld @criticalmass Completely brand agnostic. I check-in for sharing reasons. Only brand specific if there is a valuable incentive. #socialevents
@ebreakdown @lindsayrenwick What if the brand rewarded you for your check-in? What if they carried that conversation on after check-in? #socialevents
@lindsayrenwick @criticalmass I love @GetGlue checking into shows, books & vid games. More 2 push out 2 my FB newsfeed than 2 meet new ppl #socialevents
@joshanisfeld @criticalmass Big fan of check-in charity ties (Brand donates $1 for each check-in). #socialgood #socialevents
@stevemannino @ebreakdown I think layered incentives or achievements for repeat check-ins can motivate retention. #socialevents
@ebreakdown @joshanisfeld How do we as marketers move beyond the basic incentive and empower users to interact? #socialevents
@realgoodtalker @criticalmass TV checkins are great for ppl who live alone. Watching TV with the internet now! My fave check-in is @GetGlue #socialevents
@lindsayrenwick @ebreakdown Wld have to be a good reward or some recognition from the brand. 10% at the nearest retail outlet = not gd enuf #socialevents
@ebreakdown Great idea RT @stevemannino @ebreakdown I think layered incentives or achievements for repeat check-ins can motivate retention #socialevents
@ebreakdown RT @lindsayrenwick Wld have 2 be a good reward or some recognition from the brand. 10% @ the nearest retail outlet=not gd enuf #socialevents
@joshanisfeld @ebreakdown Connect personal preferences to incentives, creating a more personalized experience and value with check-in. #socialevents
@ebreakdown RT @joshanisfeld Connect personal preferences to incentives, creating a more personalized experience and value with check-in. #socialevents
@realgoodtalker @criticalmass @lindsayrenwick it creates interactions within my networks, v. satisfying/fun #socialevents
@McGaber check-in or transaction based reward e.g. @offermatic #socialevents
@stevemannino @realgoodtalker sites like @getglue have a positive impact on sharing interests with social contacts. More valuable to me #socialevents
@ebreakdown @lauriebel How about sporting events or concerts? What sort of deal would you like as a consumer? #socialevents
@stevemannino @ebreakdown @lauriebel Exclusive content or music would be a great concert check-in incentive #socialevents
@lindsayrenwick @criticalmass @realgoodtalker I use 2 start convos with ppl i already know. Wld love a shout-out from a game. Never happened #socialevents
@ebreakdown @stevemannino @realgoodtalker And to grow your social network as well! Meet new people! #Value? #socialevents @getglue
@joshanisfeld @ebreakdown @lauriebel Connecting sweeps to check-ins at events. Check-in for chance at seat upgrades…very much like SMS. #socialevents
@realgoodtalker @stevemannino That’s sharing I like! W @FourSquare, I’m already out being social. @GetGlue adds #socialevents to my lazy/alone time
@ebreakdown @joshanisfeld @lauriebel Great idea! Seat upgrades at events! How about determining the set list for a concert, in real-time? #socialevents
@lindsayrenwick Agreed – something i can use now RT @stevemannino: Exclusive content or music would be a great concert check-in incentive #socialevents
@realgoodtalker @ebreakdown @stevemannino Hasn’t happened yet (thin @getglue user base) but it could def happen #socialevents
@stevemannino @lindsayrenwick Sports teams could offer memorabilia for check-ins as well. I would definitely opt in for that. #socialevents
@lauriebel @ebreakdown I wouldn’t mind merch deals or drink tickets at either. #socialevents
@criticalmass Great idea! RT @stevemannino: @ebreakdown @lauriebel Exclusive content or music would be a great concert check-in incentive #socialevents
@ebreakdown How do we nurture that relationship after the event? RT @lauriebel: I wouldn’t mind merch deals or drink tickets at either. #socialevents
@lauriebel @stevemannino @lindsayrenwick agreed! link some signed exclusives #socialevents
@realgoodtalker @criticalmass @stevemannino @lauriebel Maybe chance at big engagement (meet the band backstage) as incentive to check-in? #socialevents
@ebreakdown How do we make technology more social at events, like this? #socialevents
@lindsayrenwick @stevemannino Raises the Q: Value of a check-in? Are you lowering the $$ of merch/perks by giving it away for 1-sec of work? #socialevents
@lauriebel @ebreakdown @joshanisfeld huge music fan would love 2 determine a set list Or check-in contests to receive concert memorabilia #socialevents
@ebreakdown @lauriebel @joshanisfeld Crowdsourcing the flow of the event in real-time, from check-in services. #socialevents
@joshanisfeld @ebreakdown Love what Monster Media is doing w/ interactive and social digital walls. #socialevents
@stevemannino @lindsayrenwick Great Q! It would force merchandisers to get more creative or to up their incentives. Maybe users w/ hi-klout? #socialevents
@criticalmass @joshanisfeld Very creative way of integrating social. #socialevents
@stevemannino @ebreakdown @lauriebel Black-Eyed-Peas did a similar integration w/ BBM and real-time submissions #socialevents
@ebreakdown @stevemannino @lindsayrenwick Great question indeed! Love the idea of integrating Klout scores into check-ins #socialevents
@joshanisfeld @lauriebel @ebreakdown Band set up “locations” 4 songs & determine set list based on number of people checking into a song. #socialevents
@ebreakdown On the right track! RT @stevemannino @lauriebel Black-Eyed-Peas integrated w/ BBM & real-time submissions #socialevents
@lindsayrenwick @joshanisfeld I like the idea of creating a small-space scvngr hunt for perks. Keeping it at same venue = easier #socialevents
@McGaber @lindsayrenwick @joshanisfeld at what point does this it start to detract from the pure entertainment value of the event? #socialevents
@criticalmass What types of UGC can brands engage consumers with at events? #socialevents
@joshanisfeld @lindsayrenwick Starbucks did a cool online scavenger hunt with Lady Gaga for rewards. Execution sucked, but great idea. #socialevents
@ebreakdown @McGaber @lindsayrenwick @joshanisfeld Or, what if that is the point of the event? Bands are all about the “fans.” #socialevents
@stevemannino @criticalmass Brand product photos/videos at sponsored event check-ins seems like a slam dunk #socialevents
@lindsayrenwick @mcgaber @joshanisfeld Cut it off when the act takes the stage. Give the die hards who get there at soundcheck smthn 2 do #socialevents
@ebreakdown @rekmke QR Codes are an interesting way to interact. How can the brand engage after the scan? #socialevents
@criticalmass @lindsayrenwick That would be awesome incentive for the hard core fans. #socialevents
@criticalmass @stevemannino What if the UGC video was presented on stage or the jumbo-tron? Promote the audience! #socialevents
@stevemannino @criticalmass Love the idea! Promotes the audience and real-time UGC. Other fans could experience what they might not see #socialevents
@lindsayrenwick Love this RT @criticalmass: What if the UGC video was presented on stage or the jumbo-tron? Promote the audience! #socialevents
@criticalmass What about lectures? How can lectures, presentations, press conferences, or even the State of the Union be more engaging? #socialevents
@stevemannino @criticalmass Extra-credit for college kids who check-in to class more often. #socialevents #Iwouldhavegonetoclass
@ebreakdown Perfect! RT @stevemannino @criticalmass Extra-credit for college kids who check-in to class more often. #socialevents #Iwouldhavegonetoclass
@joshanisfeld Awesome RT @stevemannino: @criticalmass Extra-credit for college kids who check-in to class more often. #socialevents #Iwouldhavegonetoclass
@happykamping @criticalmass check a post @gchicco did about this at Conference Basics #socialevents
@lauriebel Me too…Never going to happen RT @stevemannino:@criticalmass Extra-credit for college kids who check-in to class more often. #socialevents
@criticalmass Can you share the link? RT @happykamping: @criticalmass check a post @gchicco did about this at Conference Basics #socialevents
@lindsayrenwick @stevemannino @criticalmass Incentives to TAs who actually have ppl SHOW UP to tutorial hours – usu not a lot of value there #socialevents
@happykamping @criticalmass here you go #socialevents
@criticalmass It’s been great chatting today! If you want to learn more about #socialevents check out this blog post by @ebreakdown!
@ebreakdown @lindsayrenwick @stevemannino Great ideas! How about government? How can we interact w/government sessions in real time? #socialevents
@joshanisfeld Great chat!! cc: @criticalmass & @ebreakdown #socialevents
@ebreakdown @joshanisfeld @criticalmass Yes! Thanks for all your insights! #socialevents
@McGaber @criticalmass great discussion again. kept getting pulled away. perhaps a tweetup in the near future? #socialevents
@rekmke @ebreakdown Fixed location QR codes could initiate a simple activity to find a matching code inside a store, score a gift card #socialevents
@criticalmass Thanks for sharing! RT @happykamping: @criticalmass here you go #socialevents
@rekmke Group chat in Foursquare for those checkedin RT @ebreakdown How do we make technology more social at events, like this? #socialevents
@ebreakdown Thanks for joining the #socialevents chat! If u liked the topic pls vote for my #sxsw panel: Move Beyond the Check-in!
@ebreakdown @rekmke Group @foursquare chat is a great idea! Chat about the events with friends, at the event! #socialevents
@happykamping @criticalmass more on one of them here 😉 #socialevents
@rrickey @ebreakdown also depends on your network. not heavy users – so i’m not. might be more if local brands were better at it. #socialevents
@rrickey @criticalmass some of @imogenheap ‘s ideas have been great for interaction/ugc – the tweet dress is 1 that immed come to mind. #socialevents
@ebreakdown @rrickey That’s a great insight too! #socialevents Thanks for your participation today!
@kfbartlett @Lindsey_CIR – omg watch this! “@ebreakdown: How do we make technology more social at events, like this? #socialevents”
@ebreakdown Thanks for participating in the #socialevents Twitter chat today! @rrickey @rekmke @joshanisfeld @lauriebel
@ebreakdown Thank you for your contributions to the #socialevents chat! @lindsayrenwick @realgoodtalker @stevemannino @happykamping @McGaber